Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Page Entry #2 (2/16/2011)

Well in the morning today it was ridiculously busy. I must've brought 20 messages around the place. The session in the house today was longer than yesterday but it seemed like less was going on. I have to say that I feel like they could be much more productive in the house. I've also noticed that not a lot of people ever say nay, it's like this, " Are you ready for the question? If so, here is the question. All in favor say aye (chorus of aye's) all against say nay (no nay's are really said at all.) The aye's appear to have it, the aye's do have it. " There was free Ben and Jerry's ice cream today, I was relieved from the House Chamber for about ten minutes to eat some. I had some time to do homework but most of the day I was trying to put names on different faces and remember committee rooms. It was a good day overall and I think I am starting to remember some representatives and senators.


  1. Putting names to faces...good idea!

  2. great detail, Alex - but you might want to be careful about judging their productivity before you quite understand all the processes : )

  3. Verry Good Detail!!! I LOVE Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream!!!

  4. Hey, It Appeared Like Everything's xamined

    (it's a coded message)

  5. Hi Alex,
    I am friends with your parents and am very excited to follow your legislative adventure. You are doing a great job with the blog. Learning names and faces can be difficult but if you make up a sort of memory game it can be fun. I have spent a lot of time in the hospitality business and I try to find one feature about a person and somehow rhyme it with their name or create a silly picture in my head to remember. Just be careful - once I said my silly poem out loud to someone and it was kind of a "D'OH, did I really just do that?" moment. Lucky for me he had a good sense of humor (it was my new boss). If you run in to Floyd Nease (D Lamoille)please tell him that Emily K. sends regards (if it seems appropriate to you) He was one of my High School teachers - a favorite. Have fun!

  6. That sounds great Emily K. I'll make sure to let Floyd Nease know if I happen to run into him, I'm sure I will. And Jacob, hi to you too haha.
