Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Page Entry #18 (3/23/2011)

Legislative Council again today, really getting hooked on The Hunger Games and can't put the book down. Used my iPod a lot, did some homework, while the house went on and on. Apparently it was a very busy day but for me I just got a few waves of notes. Notes would come in packs of 5 to 10 but it would be a good hour and a half until another wave came. Some people say, in fact most people say, its the most boring place to be. I really don't mind it though because if I have no messages I can just get lost in my book and read. Tomorrow i'm scheduled for the house and card room. I'm expecting a very busy day and a very long house session, like today for some pages.

1 comment:

  1. great job on the latest set of posts, Alex! love some of the details - like the feeling in the state house and the funny things the legislators say and do. Also glad to see you're getting some homework done : )
